Happy Hour

Pink swoon
November 4, 2007, 11:43 am
Filed under: Daily Specials | Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Last night’s drink: water and two sips of a rum and coke.

Half out of boredom, half out of that wierd irrational rebellion you feel after rejection, I went to Horton Plaza last night on a bend to buy something totally out of the ordinary.. as well as some shoes for Vegas (which is just another day for me). I parked near Nordstrom, the ultimate one-stop-shop for irrational spending, and the first thing that caught my eye was none other than the MAC counter.

I’m really intimidated by makeup, which probably sounds as stupid reading it as it looks writing it. But I am. If I put on more than  mascara and some liner, I look like a little girl playing dress up. The most hoity-toity I’ve gone with makeup is Estee Lauder, and that’s because my grandma was a counter woman for a couple of years, and I got lots of samples. Oh and my sister, Whitney, took me to Lancome once to get a makeover, which I loved, but I couldn’t replicate that look for the life of me afterwards. It’s my single father upbringing shining through, paired with my babyface.

Anyhow, this nice gal working there asked me if I needed anything, and I just said I needed her to recommend a couple simple products to make me look hot for Vegas. She just sort of gave me a blank look (or was it hopeless?) and started asking me questions like, Was I looking for a three-step? and Like, what kind of hot do you want to look like?… both questions that I couldn’t answer intelligently. So we went and looked at some colors, and she said that I was lucky because they had some guest artists that night, so someone could show me how to do it.

So I stood by the eyeshadows when a tall, lanky man with really nice blonde hair and a full face of immaculate makeup came over and started asking me the same three-step and hotness questions. He had sort of a Hedwig vibe about him – very flamboyant, but strikingly beautiful in that cross-dresser way. I just pointed at some of the colors and tried to think of words I’d read in magazines about smokey eyes and whatnot. He gave me that same sort of hopeless look, and told me to go sit in the chair and make myself comfortable.

After that, he was actually very gentle and compassionate, and was pleased when I stopped asking for help and started getting excited about the colors and the things he was doing. I think we even squealed simultaneously once. I walked away spending more money than I had planned, and anticipating that Jenn would probably have all of it in her bag before the week was over. But whatever, I accomplished my goal of sticking it to logic and reason, and I might actually look hot in Vegas all by myself, for a change.  

Now onto the next irrational urge… hair dye.